Mobilink Pakistan Mobile Internet Packges-Online Setlite Phone
Smartphones Mobilink Pakistan Mobile Internet Packges-Online Setlite Phonecan use up mobile internet without you even realising it. There are application which can still do a fair amount of downloading when they’re not open e.g. Gmail,Mobilink Pakistan Mobile Internet Packges-Online Setlite Phone Yahoo or Hotmail’s scheduled synchronization for new emails, Weather Updates, Application Updates, Social Networking applications’ updates etc. In short, you could easily end up using mobile internet & getting charged for it without even knowing it,Mobilink Pakistan Mobile Internet Packges-Online Setlite Phone regardless of whether you’re on Android Mobilink Pakistan Mobile Internet Packges-Online Setlite Phone or iPhone. Since it’s very expensive to use mobile internet over Base Rate when you are not subscribed to any mobileMobilink Pakistan Mobile Internet Packges-Online Setlite Phone internet bundle, therefore it is really important you track how much data you’ve consumed while using different Mobilink Pakistan Mobile Internet Packges-Online Setlite Phoneapplications & web-browsing
Below are some tips with the help of which you can control your mobile internet usage:
For Android Handsets
Mobilink Pakistan Mobile Internet Packges-Online Setlite Phone
For iPhones Mobilink Pakistan Mobile Internet Packges-Online Setlite Phone
The below table will facilitate data users to gauge the average data consumption against the listed services.
Service Usage Average Data Size
TV Watching 15 mins of one episode of a series 45MB
You Tube Music Video – 4 mins 11MB
Radio App (streaming) 10 mins 15MB
Facebook 15 mins with no video streaming 5MB
Email 100 emails sent/received with no attachement 2.5MB
Email with photo or doc attachment 10 email sent/received containing attachement 18MB
Web browsing (standard web pages e.g. mostly text) 50 web pages / 30mins 10MB / 13MB
Google Maps 10 mins 6MB
Music 1 music track 5MB

Below are some tips with the help of which you can control your mobile internet usage:
For Android Handsets
Mobilink Pakistan Mobile Internet Packges-Online Setlite Phone
For iPhones Mobilink Pakistan Mobile Internet Packges-Online Setlite Phone
The below table will facilitate data users to gauge the average data consumption against the listed services.
Service Usage Average Data Size
TV Watching 15 mins of one episode of a series 45MB
You Tube Music Video – 4 mins 11MB
Radio App (streaming) 10 mins 15MB
Facebook 15 mins with no video streaming 5MB
Email 100 emails sent/received with no attachement 2.5MB
Email with photo or doc attachment 10 email sent/received containing attachement 18MB
Web browsing (standard web pages e.g. mostly text) 50 web pages / 30mins 10MB / 13MB
Google Maps 10 mins 6MB
Music 1 music track 5MB
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